Grand Illusions

This is very timely. Papa clued me in to some things yesterday. I laughed and laughed at the absurdity of we ridiculous humans. I got a kick out of what I realized God has been trying to teach recently ("How will you respond if I scramble your paradigms?"). I also understood how deeply sad it is that we have so divided ourselves and set up such powerless, deceptive little kingdoms in an attempt to feel in control. Until we focus on our shared humanity we will continue in the same cycle of trying to scratch and climb our way to the top of a mountain that is, in the words of Dennis DeYoung, just a grand illusion. The Kingdom of Heaven lies beyond what we can see with our physical eyes. It lies beyond gender, race and culture. so why do we always stop there and base our treatment of one another on those criteria? Why do we decide if someone is worthy of our time or friendship on whether or not they comply with what we think they should do or be (as if our friendship should be sooo important to everyone). I am not suggesting we don't enjoy our physical lives. I love that I am a woman. I love my country. I love my racial and cultural heritage. I don't like to be judged by those attributes anymore than the next person. That doesn't mean I should idolize those attributes. That doesn't mean I should belittle those attributes in another. When I die I will return to being the pile of ashes that all of humanity was created with. What remains will be who I am in the eyes of my Father God. Somehow I doubt that will have very much at all to do with being a white female American. But I bet it will have everything to do with intangibles like  love, peace and joy. Maybe I should spend my energies on cultivating those things. You can say I'm a pansy pollyanna who doesn't get the importance of all these cultural wars. Maybe in earthly terms you are right.
But Jesus says I am blessed.
I'm taking his word over anyone else's.


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