Facing the Dragon

                                                    (image from: http://farm4.static.flickr.com)

The other day I was driving home from work and having a very familiar battle with 'the voices' (the ones of doubt and fear that plague me and rarely let me rest in where I am). They were again nagging me, second guessing me, my life, my choices, etc. Then I got the feeling that I needed to just let the words flow rather than resist and battle each one (as I usually do). So I stopped fighting and just 'stood'. The flow of thoughts washed over me and I began to relax. A vision began to appear in my head. I was standing up, facing a huge dragon. The words were coming from his mouth in the form of the fire that he breathed. I stayed there facing him. I let the fears and accusations come at me. And I saw that they hit me, but fell away. Then the word "Fireproof" came to me. And I realized I AM FIREPROOF. Jesus makes me able to stand in the breath of the dragon and not be consumed. I have already been perfected in the good fire of God. It's done. I don't have to fear this dragon. EVER. I don't have to listen to him. His words are always lies or distortions.

I even understood that this fireproof state does not work conditionally. It's not "if I trust God, I am fireproof"...It's that I AM. Period. Even if I fail to trust God at some point and fall down in the stream of fire unable to resist battling the flames, I will not be overtaken. Like a fire-fighter who walks into a burning building, she might be beaten up from the battle, but the flames have not touched her because of the flame-resistant clothes. It is better for me not to enter into the flames in the first place, but this does not make God's protection void. What an awesome revelation! It seems that so many times his promises are given by others with an adendum of "If you....Then He will"...And that just isn't true. His protection is always mine. He will let me wander into the flames if I feel the need but He will always keep me from dying in them.

Maybe it is the fear that he would abandon me that is like a trumpet that awakes the dragon in the first place??


Francy said…
Helen -- that is awesome! I'm so glad you got this. Thanks for sharing.

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