Below are some pics from the last few days!

The sidewalk Tuesday night (ice)

The sidewalk Wednesday morning (ice covered with inches of snow)

Interstate 71 on Wednesday morning (I stole the pic from

Thankfully our power lines held up!

Time to scrape the car!

Ding dong the witch is dead!

Why just scrape ice and snow when you can be a play baby too?

All clean (but she's still stuck in the driveway!)..

My backyard...

Dinah and Cala enjoying a lazy snow day...They also enjoy lazy rainy days and lazy sunny days...I guess pretty much any day is a lazy day for them...Hm.

A perfect night for Chipotle with friends!

And a spontaneous outreach courtesy of Panera!

For the whole story and more pics visit REMEDY


melanie said…
You're right when you say that your cat looks just like mine and guess what? Olie came home!
Francy said…
I'm glad to see that you credited for the photo you used, Helen. I think you learned your lesson.

My husband is totally jealous of our cat because she gets to lay around and sleep all day.
Helen Ann said…
Yes, Fran...I will always credit all pictures used from this day forward! tee hee!

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