Old School...

In obedience to my blog mentor, Reverb, I offer some stuff from my old days...

My favorite movies from the 80s...Starting with 2 Brat Pack classics:

OK, this next one isn't from the 80s - it was released in 1973. But I didn't see it until I was 12...The thing I always say about this movie is that the point of it is so often missed...Everyone gets wrapped up in the demon-possession of the little girl. But the story is really about a priest who has lost his faith...And in the end gives his life for the girl, living out the very faith he was questioning...Deep stuff!

My best friend Gina and I used to get together yearly to watch these 3 films - the 80s musical movie festival. Boo for the poor sexual values that they all embraced, but yay for the themes of pursuing your dreams!

Speaking of dream pursuing...This book kept me from ditching my dreams in senior year when I almost walked away from my ambitions to be an actress/writer/director. The last line in this autobiography is "Never give up your dreams"...And if anyone makes fun of Barry I'll punch 'em in da mewf!

Can you spot my junior picture? Don't ask what was up with my hair..It's like a really effed up mullet...

Senior year was a bit better:

Here are a bunch of old handritten pages of the story that I started writing in 1987:

That story became the feature length script I finally completed this summer:

It is in revisions and will be produced as my executive Producer, Lord Yeshua opens the doors... :) This week I talked with an old friend from college who is looking for a project to shoot...

So, there is...A trip down memory lane of Helen Luther Betz.

Who's next??!


Reverb said…
Now this is a quality post!!

Those oldschool yearbook pics are awesome!!
Allison said…
I love the long hair...its very pretty :)
DanThoms said…
Your taste in movies is questionable.
Kelly said…
Love it, Helen! The Breakfast Club rules. All of my yearbooks got ruined in the move. It was very sad :(.
Helen Ann said…
Jeez, Ryan...I pour my heart and soul out in so many posts and the one with my dorky yearbook pics is the one that is quality? Blimey. :) :)

Thanks, Allison! I am trying to grow it out. Not sure I'll make it past the awkward stage!

Dan - my taste in movies is exquisite!

Kelly - sorry about your yearbooks! Maybe your high school has some extras in their archives??

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