Mark Lowry has some good thoughts on the underlying tendency toward "earning" that can still be part of us even after we understand that we can't earn God's love.

Are we saying salvation is a free gift but if you keep it, it's up to you? The Gaither Vocal Band sang a song, several years ago, called We Shall Wear A Robe And Crown. It's a nice song. But it had a line in it that said, "When I get to Heaven, I'll tell King Jesus how I made it over." I told Bill I'm not singing that line. When I get to Heaven, I'm not gonna tell King Jesus how I made it over. He's gonna tell me how He brought me over! I can't make it to Heaven if He doesn't bring me. I don't know where Heaven is. The smartest minds on earth sent a toy car to Mars ... How are we gonna find Heaven? He's got to save us; He's got to keep us saved; He's got to take us home ... or we're not going.

We say we believe salvation is a free gift, unmerited favor - it can't be earned to receive it. But, then, we act like we have to earn the right to keep it. You can't earn it to get it, and you can't be good enough to keep it.


melanie said…
Mark Lowry, what a hoot.

Funny thing is, I just can't remember that line in the song and I know that song almost word for word. Apparently not all of them though!
Helen Ann said…
I've never heard the song...I'm glad he refused to sing a line he felt was not scriptural! :)

Good for him. :) There are a lot of songs (good ones, even) that kinda put forth that whole "what i did to earn heaven" message.

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