
I have 4 weeks to finish my screenplay that was conceived over 20 years ago. It has gone through a lot of changes but the core story has remained the same since almost the beginning. The very first idea was really stupid but the 2 main characters were born there and have remained...Their story has unfolded in my brain as the years have gone on and it has been a fun, sometimes frustrating ride.

It will be good to finish... But it will be hard because these characters are so close to me. It will be hard to let them go. In the last year since I turned the story over to God He has brought in some cool elements that I hope will make it a story that will reach people who are hurting and struggling. Maybe God will use it to teach about His patience and also put skin on the words "God works everything together for good for those who love Him."

I'll also miss that this screenplay has provided some intriguing weirdness. :) Situations and themes that I have written about have happened in my life (or those in close proximity) just after I have written them or sometimes years after. Nothing earth shattering, but head-scratching nonetheless...For an example, see "Holy Coincidence, Batman!"
(that will also explain the above cover art... :) )...

In some ways parts of the story may offend Christians due to language and "adult themes". When I considered "cleaning it up" everything in me rebelled. These are meant to be real people with real problems and real personalities. If you've seen the cleaned up version of "The Breakfast Club" you might know what I am talking about...John Bender reveals in one profanity-laced but heartbreaking monologue what it's like to live at his house. In the uncut version it goes like this:

(if you are under 18 please have parental permission to read this! :) )...

John: (impersonating his father): Stupid, worthless, no-good, god damn, freeloadin' son of a bitch. Retarded big-mouth, know it all asshole jerk (becoming his mother) You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful (John mimes his dad backhanding his mother) Shut up, bitch, go fix me a turkey pot pie...What about you dad? Fuck you. No, dad, what about you? Fuck you!! No dad, what about you?! FUCK YOU! (this ends with John mimicking his dad hitting him).

In the editied version it goes something like this:

Stupid, worthless, no good, gall-darn freeloading son of a wench. Retarded, big mouth know it all (silence) hole jerk....What about you dad? Foul you...No dad, what about you? FOUL YOU!

Foul you?? Who says foul you?

I guess my point is that the truth is sometimes in the ugliness. Life is offensive. We don't live in a rated G bubble in real life. Just read the Bible. So I left in parts that might make my mom squirm (sorry, mommy!). It's not David Mamet by any stretch, but it isn't Hallmark either. Maybe Michael Landon meets Anne Lammot??

Who knows...It's in God's hands...I am just grateful that he is letting me be a part of it!


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