Fare thee well (aka - a first step toward nakedness!)

Fare thee well
So, after sleeping and talking to My Heavenly Father about it I have looked at the status of a couple of my relationships...The damage I have done to people I said I cared about and likewise the damage that has been done to me...And this is not a poor pitiful me post. This is me finally facing the truth of things. I have been duplicitous in
trying to stay in good graces with people I didn;t want to see leave my life while at the same time not completely trusting them either. so I'd pretend that all was well when really, I was being sort of superficial. I'd pretend not to be of course. I'm a peace maker...But as I have recently learned through the teachings of a wise and gifted woman of God, this kind of peace is a false peace that does nothing but harbor and breed ugliness. Eventually that ugliness will come out. But that is a good thing...The truth will set you free.

The truth is that I have been a gossip. And I have hurt people. The things I said may have been true, they may have been helpful to the person I was saying them to...But they were certainly not necessary and they were not kind.

Father, forgive me.

The truth also is that I have ignored my gut in many ways. I find myself having dug myself into something that had I listened to the voice that said "boundaries are not unGodly and not unloving" none of it would have happened.

We live and we learn.

Today I liberate myself and my loved ones from the captivity of this mess. Boundaries indeed are not unGodly, even 2 of the apostles finally saw that it was better for everyone if they went their seperate ways. We can love and care for people without being enmeshed.

I ask for forgiveness from the people I have hurt. I ask for there to be an understanding that distance does not equal hatred or ill-will. And an understanding that I am thankful for good times and even rough times.

My path goes another way this morning and I am at peace. Finally at peace.

My best to those that I love. And perhaps one day we'll share again in something more.


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