Speakeasy Review: Adoration by Martha Kilpatrick

When I read the promotional blurb for this book I thought that it would be primarily a book about adoring Jesus using Mary of Bethany (sister of the oft maligned Martha) as an example. I enjoy reading the ways that other people love on Jesus and relate with him. The book does offer this, but I was disappointed that it seemed to largely be the same old compare/contrast model of "will you be a Mary or a Martha in your faith?"Maybe it's just because in my own faith I have moved on from the need to compare myself to other people. Or maybe it's that I see a lot more depth to the characters of the Bible than the black and white 'she's doing it wrong, she is doing it right, BE LIKE HER!' but I was disappointed in the overall thesis of the book. The author is careful to note that we have all 'been' both Martha's and Mary's, and that she has as well, so it's not a self-righteous tone. It just isn't what I had hoped.

I did like the stanza format used in the book. It took some getting used to since the cadence isn't necessarily poetic or rhythmic but once I adjusted to that it was kind of cool that it was formatted that way.

I don't think this is a BADLY written book, in its thesis it does make the point well and sometimes very beautifully, but if you are looking for a book focusing on Mary of Bethany alone you might also be disappointed. The criticism of Martha interrupts the flow of Mary's adoration of Jesus.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255. 



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