Discovering the true meaning of 'church' in a Coffee Bar.
I've put my finger on the deepest heartbreak of losing Refuge...It embodies exactly what 'Church' is supposed to be. People gathered around in love, fellowshipping, sharing joys and sorrows, laughing, loving, singing, bands, prayer. People have been adopted and baptized and dedicated here. Some folks study the Bible together, others play 'Magic' or read, people are free to be themselves in a place they know they are loved and knowing they will see friends and family whenever they are here. There is wise counsel for the asking from pastors or just a caring heart, but it all happens spontaneously - nothing manufactured. Refuge was true 'Ekklesia' - Community of faith - and the message was portrayed within the people who gathered.
I will truly, truly, miss this beautiful, beautiful place and the way we all have been blessed to have gathered these last 4 years. Thank you, David Joseph Zuber and Colleen Zuber for making this place real.