I can't change the world until I change me

There is too much negativity in life, and I often contribute to it...There is too much negativity in the church and I contribute to it.

I have been processing some stuff since I got smacked in the face with some church-related ugliness a few weeks ago and Papa has been working on me. I have been reminded that I can only control myself and what I focus on.

Life is too short to do anything but learn how to love the way that Jesus did.
'Love except," 'love, but...." are not acceptable. Jesus does not teach that way. There are never any qualifiers in the extravagant love of God. Humans are always the ones who attach limits based on our fears and prejudices.

Because we have to deal with human and spiritual darkness we do have to provide safeguards, but those should be minimal and address issues that would cause harm to other people - and please, your gay neighbors  are not  going to destroy your family. Seriously, that's just goofy to even worry about.

I'm burned out on the politics and fears of church, the obsession with 'purity' and other things that distract from JUST LOVING PEOPLE and LIVING LIFE.

 Love all and let God sort us out...My suspicion is that God's 'net' is a whole lot bigger than any of us can imagine.

One of my biggest stumbling blocks is fear of what other people think. I have to improve on that and speak up when I am hurt or other people are hurt by the words and actions of folks who say they are representing Jesus.
And I don't mean the kind of 'pain' that leads to growth, I mean pain that leads to further destruction, places a wedge between people and Christ and drives people further away from even wanting to know Jesus.

Jesus' harshest words were for the 'churchy' people of his time. That is well known and often forgotten by those of us who claim to be close to him. Lord, help me remember that....And I rebuke the spirit of religion from hanging out in places where we should all be free to worship and participate fully with the Spirit if God.

End of Rant.


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