
Showing posts from July, 2013

I can't change the world until I change me

There is too much negativity in life, and I often contribute to it...There is too much negativity in the church and I contribute to it. I have been processing some stuff since I got smacked in the face with some church-related ugliness a few weeks ago and Papa has been working on me. I have been reminded that I can only control myself and what I focus on. Life is too short to do anything but learn how to love the way that Jesus did. 'Love except," 'love, but...." are not acceptable. Jesus does not teach that way. There are never any qualifiers in the extravagant love of God. Humans are always the ones who attach limits based on our fears and prejudices. Because we have to deal with human and spiritual darkness we do have to provide safeguards, but those should be minimal and address issues that would cause harm to other people - and please, your gay neighbors  are not  going to destroy your family. Seriously, that's just goofy to even worry about. I'm b...

Speakeasy Book Review: The Coming Interspiritual Age

  I received this book from the Speakeasy Network along with another one. That was before I was summoned for jury duty which cuts my summer vacation off by two weeks. I knew I would not have time to review both books and so I asked a friend to read one of them and do a guest review for me. Below is his review. Many thanks to Phil for his time and honest review....But I think that I will have to pay some sort if penance for this one...When even Phil can't find something redeeming in a book I know we have a problem...Sorry for the trauma, friend!! :)  The Coming Interspiritual Age  Review by Guest Blogger Phillip Pennington I must confess that I did not read this entire book. I read about a third of it and was unable to finish. It's kind of funny, because just before starting this book, I told a friehd that I rarely agree with anything 100%, but I rarely disagree 100% either. Some gold is just a little harder to find. The truth is, this book taught me how wrong I c...

Kris Vallton's Eschatological core values

Below is a post from Jim Wies on the Reconciliation Facebook page. I have enjoyed Kris V over the years (while also disagreeing deeply with a few of his teachings), but I very much like his Eschatological Core Values which Mr. Wies shared... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kris Vallotton, a well known prophetic voice from Bethel Church in Redding California recently published his  “Eschatological Core Values”1. I was intrigued and with his unorthodox way of stating what he believed, by clarifying what he didn’t believe. I loved it. Below are his bullet points. 1. I will not embrace an end-time worldview that re-empowers a disempowered devil. 2. I will not accept an eschatology that takes away my children’s future, and creates mindsets that undermine the mentality of leaving a legacy. 3. I will not tolerate any theology that sabotages the clear command of Jesus ...

At the top of Tome Mountain

Summer reading fun!   (all synopses are from Currently I am reading: My Mother Was Nuts by Penny Marshall Most people know Penny Marshall as the director of Big and A League of Their Own. What they don’t know is her trailblazing career was a happy accident. In this funny and intimate memoir, Penny takes us from the stage of The Jackie Gleason Show in 1955 to Hollywood’s star-studded sets, offering up some hilarious detours along the way.....With humor and heart, My Mother Was Nuts reveals there’s no one else quite like Penny Marshall. Here is what's on deck:  The Phoenix Affirmations by Eric Elnes The Phoenix Affirmations , named for the town in which the principles were created and the mythological bird adopted by ancient Christians as a symbol of resurrection, offers disillusioned and spiritually homeless Christians and others a sense of hope and a more tolerant, joyful, and compassionate message than those we often hear from the...

Fear of God

Don't let the spirit of religion dictate your 'fear of God'...Let your fear - the awe, the reverence for God's hugeness as the Creator - come naturally through a growing understanding of Who He is and how much he loves you. This is in great contrast to the obl igatory fear that religion teaches about a God who throws people into the pit of hell with no mercy or grace.. Religion's goal is control and slavery to rules. God's goal is relationship, restoration and reconciliation.  At least that's what Jesus teaches... :)

Shut up and love people.

  Photo art credit: Holli Lynn Stevenson I am convinced that the question that God will ask when I stand before him is 'Did you learn how to love?'.  If I am to follow Christ, I am to love. Period. Jesus says that people will know his followers by their love . Kudos if you get your theology right. But it is your love that will identify you. Jesus said that anyone who loves knows God. He didn't say 'anyone who prayed the sinner's prayer and reads their Bible with the right hermeneutics and proves that they are the holiest of all knows God.' He said anyone who loves knows God . A Muslim who loves, knows God. A Christian who loves, knows God. A homosexual who loves, knows God. An atheist who loves, knows God. In my old age, I have found that it is better to err on the side of love over judgement. And that is hard. Judgment is easy. Hatred flows naturally through human veins. Some think that loving others means being soft and gushy. But that...

Just Because He Breathes

Just Because He Breathes  This story breaks my heart. It is stories like this that have helped to refine my perspective on this issue.