Fuzzy Love Stories

My good friend recently lost her sweet dog, Tucker (pictured, along with his best friend Simba). As losses like these usually do, it reminded me how important it is to share the stories of our animal companions and celebrate the blessings that they are to our lives.
Therefore, in honor of Tucker and all of my own fuzzies (the ones still with us and the ones who have gone on) and in conjunction with LightByGrace Photogtraphy I am offering a forum for you to share the stories of your beloved animal companions and an opportunity for someone in the Greater Cincinnati Area* to win a free portrait session for your fuzzy!
Here's how it works:
1) Submit a photo and a few paragraphs (500 word limit) about your animal companion to lightbygracephoto@gmail.com. You can share anything - a funny story, how they came to be with you, how they touch your life, etc.
2) Beginning on Valentine's Day, each story will be featured on the LightByGrace Photography Blog.
3) On March 1st a panel of five people will select one of the animal companions to receive a free portrait session from LightbyGrace Photography. This includes a 45 minute shoot, viewing of online proofs and a disc of 15 photos.
*Please note that submissions are welcome from anywhere in the world, but the photo session pick will be limited to the Greater Cincinnati area. I wish I could travel the world and take animal portraits for everyone, but, alas...
I look forward to seeing and hearing about all of the fuzzy love that is out there!!!