Books for Freedom
Below is a list of books that I own that I am parting with and which I will share with anyone who wants one - in exchange I only ask that you make a donation to the local chapter of the organization Love146 - which fights child sex trafficking in the US and beyond.
Two ways to donate:
1.) Donate directly on the site linked above (please use donation code TF115).
-A donation of $5 gets one book, $10 gets two books, and on up.
2.) Purchase a ticket to the Route 146 to Freedom Fundraiser (music, food, crafts, raffles, etc).
-Tickets are $5
-Date: Friday October 7, 2011
-Time: 6:30-10:00pm
-Place: Impact Church 6420 Bridgetown Road Cincinnati, OH 45248
You can get a ticket from me or from Refuge Coffee Bar.
If you see a book you would like simply leave a comment with the title and whether you are donating via the website or purchasing a fundraiser ticket. If more than one person requests a particular book, the one who commented first will get the book.
Book List:
General Fiction/Nonfiction
The Memory of Water - Karen White
Ghost Boy - Iain Lawrence
Look Me in The Eye (my life with aspergers) - John Elder Robison
Christian books
Following Jesus without Embarrassing God - Tony Campolo
Breakfast with Jesus - Greg Laurie
The Naked Gospel (the truth you may never hear in church) - Andrew Farley
10 lies The Church Tells Women - J. Lee Grady
A New Kind of Christian - Brian D. McLaren
Conspiracy of Kindness - Steve Sjogren
The Day I Died - Steve Sjogren
Power Evangelism - John Wimber
Redefining the Strong-willed Woman - Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
To Own a Dragon - Donald Miller and John MacMurray
Common Sense Religion - Gerald Mann
When The Bad Times Are Over For Good - Gerald Mann
Living As Ambassadors of Relationships - James Wilson
The Complete Book of Bible Trivia - J. Stephen Lang
Know Why You Believe: Connecting Faith and Reason - Paul E. Little
How Good Is Good Enough? - Andy Stanley
More Than A Carpenter - Josh McDowell
But I think it's great that you are doing this!
Ancient-Future Bible Study: Women of the Torah and Women of the Gospels by Stephen J. Binz
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