The question isn't 'who should win the war' but 'what are we going to do about war'?

I used to be blindly pro-Israel in my opinions of what was happening between Israel and Palestine. I was so because I largely took my faith cues from my Conservative Evangelical upbringing...I didn't understand what was really happening over there. I just knew that I had been told that God chose Israel and therefore, they were entitled to certain land, priveleges and blessings. I was also taught that as a Christian I should support all of their military efforts against their enemies. I was taught that in the book of Revelation, Israel is the winner and God was on their side all the way. I had questions in the back of my mind as I purchased Israel pins and 'liked' Israel on my Faecebook page; Like the fact that Jesus didn't seem to promote this way of thinking. That he says many times that loving enemies and seeking peace is the way of the Kingdom. But I am just a wee little Christian, I don't understand these big issues. So I defaulted to believing and behaving the way the strong voices of my inner-circle told me.

As I have started listening to other voices who also love and follow Christ, I have begun to see that the little voice in the back of my head is God. The God who has slowly, gently and beautifully begun to transform from an overbearing, prickly, scary God into 'My Papa'. I have begun to learn that My Papa seeks to be the Papa of everyone. The part of me that longs to be loved with an everlasting love is a primal calling from The Spirit back to the original reality of the Garden.

Oh, Dear God how far we humans have strayed from this love. From a place of fear and self-preservation people have sought to dominate and control other people. This is true from interpersonal relationships all the way up to the red button of nuclear devestation. A bloody, entrail spilling mess follows behind all of humanity like a centuries-long serpent. This is true for just about any people-group that I can name, save for a few who have bravely commited to peace and paid the ultimate price for their courage. From my own country that I love to the Holy Lands, this is true. 

Did people hear the voice of God telling them to slaughter nations and plunder the leftovers? Absolutely. But I sometimes wonder what God was speaking. How often have I listened more obediently to the god of fear and hate than I have the voice of The Creator? How often has that voice drowned out the whispser that beckoned me to quiet down and let Him influence my thoughts? Don't things that are fearful often puff up to make themselves big and loud? Is the God of the universe fearful? Does He really need to bellow like the Great and Powerful Oz to get things done? I am starting to think the answer is no. I am starting to believe that the deciever has done a number on me and perhaps many others to cause the destruction that I see everyday on the news. 

This brings me to my point. I love Israel. I honor Israel for who they are and for the calling that God placed on them and how Jesus Christ was born into their faith. I don't think there is anything wrong with loving one's heritage and having a flag to represent a country's history. But at the same time I reject the old way of preserving heritage and land. There has to be a better way or no one will survive in the end. There IS a better way. A scary way, a life-threatening way that in some cultures leads to a cross of treason. But it is the way that Christ taught. I want to support -in whatever small way I can from Cincinnati, Ohio - this new way. I long to see tribes and countries and cities and towns lay down their pride for cooperation and peace. Fly their flags side by side as different households of the same extended family. I want to wave an American flag, not to gloat that we have military might, but because we are a country of freedom that invites others to follow suit. I want flags of the future to boast of cultural gifts given by God to enrich the world. I know this seems like a pipe dream in the face of the realities of the world, of my own tendency toward justifying war, but it is a dream that Jesus calls me to have. So I cannot blindly root for Israel like some military football team.

It's not a game.

I stand with the people in both Israel and Palestine who share my Papa's dream and are putting their life-blood on the line to reconcile two warring nations.

With God all things are possible.

Through Christ humanity can do ALL THINGS. 

Papa, I understand now that You are not just with Israel, You are not just with Christians or America, or a chosen few...I accept that You are for peace, reconciliation, an end to war, an end to militant nationalism and genocidal hatred. Jesus, You showed me this with Your work on the cross. I have to remember that as one who has accepted Your love and grace that I am blessed TO BE A BLESSING. I have received so that I can give. Papa, help me remember this in the everyday things and as I seek to understand the issues of the world. Protect me from my enemies in a fortress of love and grace. Give me the capacity to love them instead of fearing them. In the name of Your precious son and my savior, Jesus Christ,Amen.
The above was inspired by the first article in this post:


Anonymous said…
Ewan Gurr said…
Interesting thoughts on the violence depicted as motivated by God. A topic I'm thinking an writing a lot about at the moment!
Helen Ann said…
Ewen, Yes, me too...It's a difficult transition to go from the traditional, literal view - that God told people to destroy other nations - to considering alternate viewpoints on it. I have not made a clear leap yet...Still rolling it around, working it out. Finally free not to fear the process.

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