My destiny is....Today.
I spend a lot of time daydreaming. I spend a lot of time thinking about later on or tomorrow or where I want to be in a year or five years...My church upbringing taught me that what mattered was what would happen to me when I die and that my job is to make other people focus on what will happen to them when they die and then help them make sure that all their treasures were stored up in heaven so that when they got there they would have everything they needed. I realized yesterday when I was reading an article about day dreaming that I really don't spend a whole lot of time appreciating all the glory of God that is present in my, well, PRESENT. I spend very little time taking in all the sights and sounds, all the blessings that surround me each moment that I am alive. Instead of using the fountain of life that is flowing inside me for bringing the Kingdom to today I daydream about a time - sometime in the future - that there will be peace, that Jesus will come back, when things will be better...when, when, when...But ya know, maybe what Jesus was trying to teach when he said 'The Kingdom of Heaven is among you' was that it's not so much about tomorrow, but RIGHT NOW. Jesus 'comes back' when I act like Him in how I treat people, when I do the things He did that signify how the Kingdom works and cause people to wonder about that Kingdom and what it means to live in it (just heard a great teaching about 'signs and wonders' that talked about that). Maybe Jesus will come back one day literally riding on a cloud, but I am sort of done worrying about when or if that will happen in the literal sense. I want to practice living now the way Jesus taught with the help of the Holy Spirit and let tomorrow take care of itself.