Enter In - Good Friday 2011

Enter In was fantastic tonight...Edgier music than the last one that was about 'rest'...So, some great rockin' tunes and as always the band was right on. Always good to have Jenny visit and bring her talents to the set.

I brought along my art bag again just in case. About halfway through I got a picture in my head of a blue sky, so I started there and just went with whatever. I had this page of like falling colors and then pictured a hand coming up from the bottom to collect the falling 'rain'...I am by no stretch a real artist so I could only do a rudimentary drawing...This was what I came up with -

I think one of the messages with this one was kind of a continuation/confirmation that I had succeeded in moving past the 'paradigm' issue that came to the canvas at the last Enter In. This seemed to be confirmed by the fact that (as last time) the drawing was finished just as the band went into a song about God's rain falling...I was finally past the anxiety about theology and doctrine and able to be free in God's presence...YAY! Then it had another application...A few minutes after I had put aside my sketch book, Jenny said that she had a vision of two ladders, one on each side of the communion table. On one side angels were going up, carrying our burdens away. On the other, angels were coming down carrying gifts from Papa for all of us, but in order to receive them we would have to empty our hands of those troubles. So, the open hand under the falling 'rain' from above fit right in...I love it when stuff like that happens! So cool to be tuned into what Papa wants to share with us at these services...It's so good to fill up so we can pour out and share with the world.

I also had some words come:

"When exploring new realms of worship - go in as a clean slate, without ideas of how it should feel or what it should or has looked like...Experience it in freedom - like a child experiencing art and music for the first time. Make a mess with the paint. draw on the table, color outside the lines, use way too much glue...Make up a song and words and melodies. Spin around for the sake of watching your skirt billow out. Randomly tell people you love them and give them hugs."


"Glory to Glory = freedom to freedom...The light gets brighter with each step into the realms of the Kingdom." 

They also had a real artist there doing prophetic/worship art...Chad Willimason...This is his:

Woohoo! Great stuff with great people!! 


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