Wisdom from Preschool
I take care of myself.
I take care of my friends.
I take care of my school.
These are our classroom rules. We used to have five rules that were more specific. Then we realized that every rule we could possibly come up with points back to one of these three things. Yesterday while on stage at Shiloh during worship, I was having an 'oh, look a squirrel!" moment and this came to mind. I thought, this is a great way to cut down on a whole lot of complicated churchese. I think that from now on I will keep to the following things when choosing how to act (the points are a bit farther reaching than school and friends)...
I take care of myself.
I take care of others.
I take care of the Earth.
Now, before anyone gets funny because I didn't say "I love God" as rule number one, I believe that in doing the three listed things we love and honor God and represent Christ.
And against such things, there is no law!
So, what are ways that you take care of yourself, friends and creation?
I take care of my friends.
I take care of my school.
These are our classroom rules. We used to have five rules that were more specific. Then we realized that every rule we could possibly come up with points back to one of these three things. Yesterday while on stage at Shiloh during worship, I was having an 'oh, look a squirrel!" moment and this came to mind. I thought, this is a great way to cut down on a whole lot of complicated churchese. I think that from now on I will keep to the following things when choosing how to act (the points are a bit farther reaching than school and friends)...
I take care of myself.
I take care of others.
I take care of the Earth.
Now, before anyone gets funny because I didn't say "I love God" as rule number one, I believe that in doing the three listed things we love and honor God and represent Christ.
And against such things, there is no law!
So, what are ways that you take care of yourself, friends and creation?