
Showing posts from July, 2010

Building a new foundation...

Another post that is actually a reply...This kinda sums up where I am in my journey with Jesus...Most of my friends already know all this...But just in case anyone else is interested.... For a while I had to stop listening to sermons. Even by people who I love and admire. My "inputter" was overwhelmed with contradictory messages, "7 steps to..." messages and simple answers to complex issues. For a while, to open the Bible was akin to this scene in Harry Potter: It was like opening a box of screaming voices that wanted to tell me how badly I was screwing up and how much I still needed to do to be pleasing, how this thing called 'God's will' was what was leading me down so many confusing roads (when it was really my anxious heart trying to be perfect for a false, demanding God).  This last year I finally broke. And my friends held me as I cried. And Papa came near and He said 'res...

Who will solve the problems?

My reply to a blog post regarding energy issues: I think that counting on the government to solve anything is probably not a good focus. At present it is largely just a big loud group of people name-calling and pointing fingers at one another while the world continues to have issues that get worse. That is the nature of politics and I'm not sure that will change.    Ever see that Dr. Seuss cartoon where the two little guys walking in two different directions end up face to face with neither one willing to move so that they can both continue on their paths? In the end highways and cities get built up all around them as they continue to stare at each other obstinately.    That's how I see politics...Personally, I think it will be the power of those who walk away from that debate and use their God-given talents to press into these issues together with other folks tired of the game. We, the people will get it done and the rest will eventually look up from...

He beat me to it!

This guy, Samuel Lee, wrote an awesome new Statement of Faith for Pentacostals/Charismatics...It's like a list of stuff I have wanted to say for a long time...AMEN, BRO! Here is a link to his site...And below is his proposed Statement of Faith... The New Kind of Pentecostals are: 1.Those who do not claim exclusivity of the Holy Spirit to a particular denomination or church. 2. Those who respect other Christian denominations and traditions and are willing to fellowship, share and cooperate with them. 3. Those who believe that the unconditional love that is inspired & directed by the Holy Spirit in believers is the greatest sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit. 4. Those who share the Good News with all mankind, but in a manner full of grace and love and not through arrogance and “the-we-know-better-than-you-mentality...” 5. Those who believe that miracles, signs and wonders are still possible today, but one should not elevate these above the humil...