How I see the Bible...

A recent facebook convo allowed me a chance to articulate my view of the Bible:

This may get me reamed, but here goes: Kris Vallaton once said: "You could destroy all the Bibles on the planet and not destroy the word of God." The 'word of God' (if you mean Scripture) has been rewritten a number of times during its course of translation from the original texts. All of us interpret the words we read according to our faith traditions and personal walk with Jesus Christ. To an extent, we rely on human scholarship under the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the transcribing of the original texts.

The Jewish people (of which Jesus is) rely not only on the written word, but also the Talmud which is a collection of discussions and interpretations of the written word by Jewish rabbis. We do the same as Christians when we choose who we 'sit under' for teaching and understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

To simplify it to "it says it, therefore it is, we can't rewrite it' strips us of our freedom to think and relate with Papa on a personal level. God desires relationship, not Stepford children. I trust that God has -as He always does - worked despite human fallibility - to provide for us the stories of His relationship with His beloved Creation....

The texts can and have been rewritten, GOD and HIS MESSAGE remain unchanged despite that. It is woven throughout Scripture, history and in our lives today. Love God, Love one another...Jesus (the Word of God) has saved us from living under the law so that we can focus on doing just that.

I may be considered lost and led astray for this, but that, in a nutshell is my take on the Wonderful, God Breathed Holy Scriptures... :)


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