Freedom update 1
It's crazy how many times a day it happens and how 'natural' it seems to entertain the 'voices' of the mafia (see, even there it was a struggle just to leave that sentence say 'voices' because I started traveling down a path which worried that people might think I am hearing audible voices when 'voice' is refering to thoughts, not exterior voices. I did put the word in quotes though to indicate the figurative way I was using the word...Is that a compromise I should avoid in the future? :) )....
Just about everything I think or do is run through an internal approval system. It's very efficient because if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have noticed, that's how engrained it is.
At least 5 times in the last 24 hour period I have had to stop and remind myself of my freedom.
It will be interesting to learn the difference between a healthy 'stop and think before you act' (I am guessing that for everyday decisions this is a pretty brief period of time) and an incident of being hijacked by the Pesto Posse (props again to Jim for this apt turn of phrase).
Just about everything I think or do is run through an internal approval system. It's very efficient because if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have noticed, that's how engrained it is.
At least 5 times in the last 24 hour period I have had to stop and remind myself of my freedom.
It will be interesting to learn the difference between a healthy 'stop and think before you act' (I am guessing that for everyday decisions this is a pretty brief period of time) and an incident of being hijacked by the Pesto Posse (props again to Jim for this apt turn of phrase).