Burden Light

There's a place that I love to run and play
There's a place that I sing new songs of praise
Dancin' with my Father God in fields of grace
There's a place that I lose myself within
There's a place that I find myself again
Dancin' with my Father God in fields of grace
There's a place where religion finally dies
There's a place that I lose my selfish pride
Dancin’ with my Father God in fields of grace
I love my Father, my Father loves me
I dance for my Father, my Father sings over me
And nothing can take that away from me
-Big Daddy Weave

It is amazing the lightness of spirit I feel when I am able to break off from the pursuit of living up to mainline Christian ideals. That's not to say I completely disagree with them. I am just letting myself not really care whether or not I please everyone. I am being honest with myself and God about my thoughts regarding Scripture, 'hot topics" (not the clothing store) and 'correct theology'.

It's funny to look back at all those many years of self-inflicted bondage to perfection and fear. I completely relate to A.J. Jacobs (The Year of Living Biblically) when he was finished with his year and found it a relief that he could kiss his wife whenever he felt like it and pick up a secular magazine without second guessing. In a weird way I am thankful for the time I spent in that frame of mind. I learned a lot. I have a lot of experiences I can share....And you really don't fully understand the exhilaration of freedom until you have lived in prison.

I'm still adjusting to the fact that I can believe what I want to believe and still be OK. I really am that free. For 99.9% of the crap I worry about, I really think God is unphased. The earth is not shattered by my view point on (fill in the blank with a big hot potato issue). Jesus has provided an unshakable foundation for everyone to grow and learn in. I no longer wish to get sucked into any vortex of religious hype on anything. And God help me if I ever walk around again thinking I have it all figured out and pity the poor fool who doesn't. Puh-leez.

Man. I feel peaceful. I feel all zen and stuff. Yeah, ZEN. Maybe those folks are onto something. Maybe truths of the Spirit are woven through all sorts of traditions. God IS everywhere and the Spirit moves like the wind. We don't know where it's going...

My favorite quote from The Shack is this:

Jesus says: "Most roads don't lead anywhere...But there's not a road I won't travel to find you."

I am just glad to be on the road with Him!


Francy said…
Amen sista!
inspiredheart said…
yay freedom!!! One of my fav songs.. and fav book! BTW

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