Broken Boxes

I was not born to be traditional. There is nothing traditional about me or my life. Never really has been. No matter how hard I have tried to cram myself into that box - thinking that eventually I will get there, I have to come to terms with the fact that God did not make me to be run-of-the-mill.
I have a knack for completely obliterating any box that reads "This is what life is supposed to be", "These are what milestones you should have reached by age 40", "These are the kinds of people you should hang with if you're a good Christian girl", etc. etc...Sometimes I look at people who have 'that life' and think I am missing something. It seems like if I had kids or was married or had an income that was heftier that I would then be a real grown up.
Then again, maybe that's just a lie straight from the pit of hell...Even though I'm single with no kids, living in a one-bedroom apartment with a menagerie of animals, I am as real a woman as some yuppie-lady in a suit, walking to lunch in her pantyhose and gym shoes, running her kids to soccer and baking pies for the church auction.
Nothing wrong with any of that in case you think I'm judging.
But that's not me.
I will never wear the clothes I "should" or listen to the music I "should", or eat a diet like the rest of America (OK, I do like my fries and Cola!), or be interested in the things and people that I "should"...
I'm simply not that kind of girl...But if I had a nickel for everytime I drew one of those 'looks' from someone who saw me as askew, or was told 'you're weird', I would be a millionaire.
I never set out to be different...That's just how it is.
And ya know, I love my life. As it is. Today. Just the way God has worked it out. And I am surrounded by beautiful people who love me...
Who needs "normal" when you've got all that going for you??