Oh, dear Mel...

I'm scratching my head here...

From People Magazine in an article about Mel Gibson's faith (mind you - I like Mel)...

"There is no salvation for those outside the Church," (Mel Gibson) said. "I believe it." He explained: "Put it this way. My wife is a saint. She's a much better person than I am. Honestly. She's, like, Episcopalian, Church of England. She prays, she believes in God, she knows Jesus, she believes in that stuff. And it's just not fair if she doesn't make it, she's better than I am. But that is a pronouncement from the chair. I go with it."

HUH? She prays, believes in God and knows Jesus.. How is she missing the boat????


Kelly said…
Helen Ann said…
Yeah...I just don't follow that at alllll...So, the work of Jesus on the cross is only valid in combination with attending the pre-Vatican II church??
Unknown said…
Mel is Catholic. Popes throughout history have said "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus" or "Outside the Church there is no salvation", meaning that the Catholic Church is the One True Church, and if you're not Catholic, you're s.o.l.

Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He didn't say you have to be Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or any other flavor.
Helen Ann said…
Preach it, Steve!!

I just don't follow where they came up with that whole doctrine. Jesus and the other NT writers make it clear numerous times that JESUS alone is the way...Jesus disciples came to him and said they wanted to shut down some folks outside their group who were casting out demons in Jesus' name. Jesus said: "Do not stop them. Whoever is not against us is for us". Seems clear that HIS NAME (authority) is the uniting factor...Not any denomination.

But what do I know...I'm just a heathen headed to hell... :)
Helen Ann said…
Post Script...

And like Jesus, I find heathens much more enjoyable to hang with than religious folk!! :) :)
Kelly said…
right there with you heathen sister!
Francy said…
Actually, Pope John Paul the second clarified the Catholic Church's postion probably 10 years ago (I remember reading it in the Catholic Telegraph) that Jesus is the only way and all Chrisitans not just Catholics can receive salvation. BUT, that the Catholic Church is the "full expression" (If I'm remembering that phrase correctly) of Christ. I don't really know what that is suppose to mean. The clarification was not really to address whether other Christians can be saved but rather that not all paths (non-christian religions) lead to salvation. Steve is right that historically the Catholic Church has taught that salvation does not exist outside the Catholic church but I think they have modified that since Vatican II to say "the Church" includes all Christians. Mel, I believe, is old skool! (Is that the hip way to write school?)
Helen Ann said…
Yep - Mel is Pre-Vatican II...Which means he does not subscribe to PJP's assessment of salvation. Ah well...It's all good...He'll just be surprised at who he meets in Heaven...I have a feeling ALL of us will be surprised.

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