Dreaming with God...

I don't, as a rule, make new year's resolutions. But I think a list of Dreams (big and small) is never a bad thing...My friend Lori has one that she keeps. And I have gotten to see her cross things off of it. That is really cool. This dude, John Goddard has a list of 127 of them that he began in 1941.

I have some goals. But I never really wrote them down...The message at church tonight was a challenge to dream BIG and small with God. So here goes...In no particular order (save for #1).

To keep it simple, I will write down just the things I'd like to accomplish in 2009.

1 - Produce Sleeping with the Past utilizing an eclectic group of talented people.
2 - Finish one knitting project.
3 - Learn how to repel.
4 - Ride the Zip Line - and survive!
5 - Be a part of a radical, obvious and undeniable miracle of God. You know, a cancer healing, dead raising, early New testament church kind of thing!
6 - Walk the Flying Pig half marathon with a bunch of awesome friends.
7 - Dye my hair blond.
8 - Get a tattoo.
9 - Read the entire Bible in a year.
10 - Work out 4-5 times a week.
11 - Make my house a place for friends and family.
12 - Visit Arizona.

Some of these that seem small, really are big ones for me that will require God's support and encouragement (see #3 and #4). And that is A-OK...It just gives me another opportunity to practice complete trust in Him.


Doug said…
Wow. It sure didn't take you long to do your list. I'm probably going to need a few days.
Numbers 3&4 I've thought about but there's this "healthy respect for heights" thing to work out. #5 would be awesome! And blonds don't really have more fun (partly because they have to spend so much of thier time and money keeping their hair blond.

Good luck with your dreams. If I know you at all, I'm sure you'll get most of them accomplished.
Kelly said…
I've got part of my list in my head right now. I've been thinking about it since last night. I have had one BIG dream for awhile now that will most definetly require God's help. You go girl!
darthmom said…
Hey -- I won't get a tattoo but I will dye my hair blond with you!
Helen Ann said…
You're already blond! That doesn't count! LOL!
Unknown said…
I'll make sure that David makes #3 happen!!!! :) Life goal lists are great, aren't they!!!!
Helen Ann said…
Yes, they are great! And I hope you are with me when #3 comes to pass!

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