Battle-torn Christmas

I don't mean not to celebrate the day Jesus was born. I mean the whole commercial fake cheer scene.
Maybe it's because it started with a man being trampled to death by greedy shoppers at a Wal-Mart store. That it has continued with the death of an actress from Crossroads Community Church wh0 fell to her death during a performance, followed by the death of a musician from Vineyard Community Church in a car accident. Just tonight there are more people who have died in car accidents because of the ice. In my own family there is division and brokenness.
On comments about the Crossroads tragedy I see fellow Christians ripping this church for having large theatrical productions instead of "simple ones". Rather than embrace a hurting community a spirit of religion and blame has reared its ugly head.
I'd like to be "happy clappy" as Tim would say and suggest that we pay no mind to the Grinch and go on with our joyous singing...Go ahead with our Feast of Roast Beast.
Somehow, at least for me, this would be disingenuous. Sometimes it's OK to admit - even though we have the joy of Christ in us - that we need some time as a whole communuty just to curl up in Papa's lap and renew. This doesn't give the enemy a victory - it fights him with authenticity. When we pull together as a whole we strengthen our resolve.
So, this year my Christmas wish is that we forget the gift scramble and the stress and just love on each other. Grieve with someone. Listen to someone. Help someone kick the walls.
The madness will be here next year. Maybe then that carefree atmosphere will have returned and the innocence of the season will be evident once again.
I hope that YOU get to "curl up in Papa's lap and renew".