Marathon Mania!
I am a loser! And proud! I came in dead last, along with Teresa and Steve in the 99th Annual Thanksgiving Day Race. Knowing that coming in first would be futile it became the goal to be that last ones across the finish line. And so we were. We hooked arms with the 3 other people coming in last like Dorothy and gang and headed across the finish line. Lofty Goal reached! And if you think it's easy, it's not! Just when you think you're last you look behind and there are 6 people who have somehow lagged further than you. It takes strategy to be last!
Here are some fun pictures. Video to follow!
Teresa, Theresa and Melanie
The catalyst - this whole thing was his idea. My back and legs aren't so sure they're happy with him. But I am!
The view from the gathering place.
Theresa was the official number attacher.

Headed to the starting line. Look at the sea of people already lined up!
Apparently there was a nudist colony that participated in the event. There were random clothes flung about from beginning to end. We never saw the nekkit people. They must have been under invisibility cloaks.

Leah needed a little push up the first incline. I'm not sure if this could be considered cheating or not...
This was my bus stop during high school. I rode the 36 Express.
...And be a hooker!
...Or a stripper?
The random clothes along the street started to disturb me...Maybe I missed the Rapture??

Oh, look - something else is on the road!
Must have come from Teresa's new friend...

Another haul up a hill.
When you're last in line you get an escort!
Someone thought this building design was worth millions.
I don't get it.
The finish line!
The tag removal!
The grand collapse.
Love Wins!
Here are some fun pictures. Video to follow!
Must have come from Teresa's new friend...
I don't get it.