Unexpected guest...

I had a knock at the door this evening...

The neighbor kids found this baby underneath a tree. His siblings were dead but he was still alive. The kids were not allowed to take care of him and since I'm kinda known as the animal lady (maybe it's the 2 dogs, 2 cats and stream of rescue dogs and rats we have fostered??) I guess they figured I'd know what to do for him...

I don't...LOL! But I know this little guys Creator and I have friends in the vet field! So with prayer and nourishment we're gonna bring him back to health! Smile Right now I am feeding him goat's milk. He only drinks a little at a time. But he seems to be resting more comfortably than when he first arrived.

Anyone have any wildlife rescue experience??

Please keep him in prayer...The kids named him "Eric" Smile


melanie said…
We will all pray for Eric.
I love that the little children knew that you would help them. That says a lot about you. You're amazing.
Helen Ann said…
Thanks for the prayers!! Those are more powerful than milk and meds!
Reverb said…
See, that whole "crazy lady that prays for animals and stuff" thing is finally paying off!

Good job being who you are...it's easier for people to find you that way.

Take care of that little guy...he's awesome.
melanie said…
And how is Eric today?

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