Gotta do what ya gotta....
I think I am a pretty tolerant mom to my fuzzies. I let them sleep under my covers, sleep ontop of my head, perch on my back and I even share my leftovers (in their own bowls, never from the table, of course). But momma has to draw the line with peeing in the house. Sketch used to be housebroken. But Bentley has been a bad influence with his unfixed, lasix-takin' self. I tried putting down puppy pads and newspaper. Bentley uses them but he also uses every corner he can find. Sketch usually goes right next to the papers...infuriating! Crating doesn't work because Sketch literally pulls the door inward with his teeth and escapes. I have confined Bentley to the bedroom when I am not here and that has worked. The problem is when I am home and he's galavanting around the house while I write, read or surf. So the decision was down to greatly restricting the movement of my beloved - albeit rotten - mutts or finding another solution...Enter Petsmart's cleaning and housebreaking aisle....Where I decided to sacrifice dignity for freedom....Yes, they actually make them:
You didn't...
Say it isn't so....
I did...
I'm open to alternative solutions! :)