Finally - The truth about Mary Magdalene

I have a pet peeve when it comes to Mary Magdalene. She is one of my Bible heroes. I can relate to her because Jesus healed her from torment, I love that she was Jesus' financial backer, I love that a woman in those times asked where Jesus body was so she could go and get him. I love that she represents the women who, instead of fleeing in fear like the disciples did, stayed by Jesus' side and faithfully went about the work of caring for his body after burial. Of course, she never did that task because before she got to the tomb she met the resurrected Jesus and He entrusted her to go and tell the disciples that He was alive.

She's just one cool chick.

I am peeved by the misrepresentations of her that have come down through the ages. Our modern churches and films about the life of Jesus still represent her as any one of the following: a prostitute, the adulteress woman who was almost stoned or the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive oil (that was Mary of Bethany). All of those women have a great place in Scripture. But they weren't Mary of Magdala. Steve Sjogren, in his great book 101 ways to help people in need suggests something called "The Magdalene Project". It's an outreach to prostitutes and exotic dancers. WONDERFUL idea...But ARGHHH!

Maybe this is a trivial thing to get irritated by but I know I would be calling the newspaper if I read an article that said "Helen Ann Luther Betz grew up in Mt. Washington. She is now a local accountant living in Ft. Thomas, Ky." I hope any of my friends would call the press and make a correction because that does not really represent me. That's definitely my name. And definitely my place of origin. But I'd never be an accountant and I have never lived in Ft. Thomas.

So...ya know. It matters.

All that to introduce an article I found that reveals the real Mary!


It's from

Mary Magdalene
Meet the real friend and follower of Jesus.


Was she the wife of Jesus, the mother of his children, or the Holy Grail, as The Da Vinci Code claims? Or the repentant prostitute of Jesus Christ Superstar, throwing herself at the Master's feet and singing, "I Don't Know How to Love Him"?

According to Scripture, Mary Magdalene was none of the above. And more than the above.

We find her story in all four gospels, where she's mentioned by name 14 times—significant, since many women of the Bible are nameless.

Here's her eye-opening, one-line biography: "When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons" (Mark 16:9). Possessed by Satan, she was repossessed by Christ, then privileged to witness his resurrection. Oh! She has a story, all right—but not a scandalous one.

The Many Marys

So how did we get so off the mark on Mary Magdalene?

Well, she was from Magdala, a town known for vice and violence. Additionally, there are seven Marys in the New Testament: Mary Magdalene; Jesus' mother; Clopas's wife; Mary of Bethany; John Mark's mother; a diligent worker; and James and Joses' mother, who's also called "the other Mary."

Two thousand years of art and literature haven't helped her cause. Mary Magdalene often is depicted as the unnamed prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her tears (Luke 7:37-50), or the woman caught in adultery (John 8:2-11), or as Lazarus' sister—who was from Bethany, not Magdala—who anointed the Lord's head with costly perfume (Mark 14:3-9, John 11:2). Fascinating women, all—but not our Mary M.

The real Mary Magdalene led the faithful sisters in financing the Lord's work "out of their own means" (Luke 8:3) and following Jesus wherever he went.

For her devotion alone, Mary Magdalene serves as a fine role model for twenty-first-century believers. Follow her to the tomb on Easter morning, and you'll learn the greatest lesson Mary M. has to offer.

Go And Tell

When Mary Magdalene "saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance" (John 20:1), she hurried to Jerusalem and convinced Peter and John to see the empty tomb. I might have started with a lesser disciple, but this leader among women went right to the top. Clearly they respected her, because they wasted no time running back with her.

Finding it empty, the two disciples returned to their homes, while Mary remained weeping outside the tomb, unwilling to abandon her Lord. Such faithfulness was soon rewarded. Two angels in white appeared, followed by a stranger whom she mistook for a gardener, until the moment he spoke her name: "Mary" (John 20:16).

Her response was immediate. And it wasn't "Honey" but "Rabboni!" The meaning is "my great teacher," and the nature of their relationship is clear: teacher and student, leader and follower, but not husband and wife.

Before he returned to his heavenly home, Jesus had an assignment for Mary Magdalene: "Go … to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God' " (John 20:17). Did she ever! With her own eyes, she'd seen him. With her own ears, she'd heard him. With her own hands, she'd touched him. And so she proclaimed, "I have seen the Lord!" (John 20:18). A personal, undeniable testimony, setting the example for us all.

Two thousand years ago Mary Magdalene heeded the command of Jesus to go and tell. May we follow in her footsteps, seeing the Christ with new eyes, then declaring his glorious truth to a world longing for answers.


Reverb said…
What a great explanation. I've confused it myself several times and even when I thought I had the right one I proved myself otherwise.

Thanks for sharing!

Still praying for Nick.
Helen Ann said…
Thanks for your prayers for Nick! :) :) :)

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