
Showing posts from November, 2007

And then there were none

YAY! Lakota East is performing their show after the ridiculous political correctness issue that almost cancelled it. They have had to change the title from 10 Little Indians to And Then There Were None but whatever makes the PC crowd happy I guess. Thing is, the "crowd" was mostly one guy who owns a diversity education business. And ironically is the president of the local chapter of the NAACP...Advancement of Colored People was the last time the phrase "colored people" wasn't frowned upon? Sigh... Anyway...Good for the admin at Lakota East for making it so the kids who gave their time and energy to rehearse this show (which really has little to do with Indians or African Americans) could perform it.

Longing for the end of satan's reign

Baby Grace, a 2-year old was murdered by her parents...She was beaten with leather belts, had her head held underwater in a bathtub and then was thrown across a room, her head slamming into a tile floor, Trenor said in the document. She said they kept the body in a storage shed for one to two months before they put it in a plastic bin and dumped it into Galveston Bay. (,2933,313001,00.html ) And to think I whined today because I had to re-order tickets to a show.

Fare thee well (aka - a first step toward nakedness!)

Fare thee well So, after sleeping and talking to My Heavenly Father about it I have looked at the status of a couple of my relationships...The damage I have done to people I said I cared about and likewise the damage that has been done to me...And this is not a poor pitiful me post. This is me finally facing the truth of things. I have been duplicitous in trying to stay in good graces with people I didn;t want to see leave my life while at the same time not completely trusting them either. so I'd pretend that all was well when really, I was being sort of superficial. I'd pretend not to be of course. I'm a peace maker...But as I have recently learned through the teachings of a wise and gifted woman of God, this kind of peace is a false peace that does nothing but harbor and breed ugliness. Eventually that ugliness will come out. But that is a good thing...The truth will set you free. The truth is that I have been a gossip. And I have ...

Naked on the cross

My friend once told me that I would not fully experience life with Christ until I was willing to be "naked on the cross"...That is to say, when I am able to remove anything that keeps me from expressing to God my true heart...That is not to say that Jesus does not fully love me or that my life with Him thus far has been inadequate. It is simply that He cannot fully heal me until I expose to Him all of my wounds. Even the ones I try to keep under a band-aid because I think they aren't worth tending to or I don't feel justified in crying about. My pain tolerance has always been low. When my mom would comb my hair and hit any knot I would scream and cry. It truly, truly hurt - even if she thought it shouldn't. My mom eventually cut my hair into the "Dorothy Hamil" so that it wouldn't hurt so much to comb. So it became in my soul: Prevent the tears to keep it from hurting (nevermind the fact that even short hair gets tangled). For decades I have neatly t...

Thanksgiving Girls

Me and Melody! My awesome, talented, theatrical niece!

Too Sexy

She looks for love in boys and toys. And sometimes girls if she's feeling coy. She has attitude and a short fuse. She tosses her hair and flashes her blues. She'll smile and nod if a boy will talk. And sway her little hips on the cat walk. She'll take it just to have it. She'll hide it just to keep it. She takes her booze only from the tap. And knows what to find on a boy in their lap. Some would say she's a streetwise whore. It might be true if she were more than four. A little girl who is a woman. A woman who was never a girl.

Divine Appointment

I was walking to the BP station up the street. God nudged me to the right and said "Head to Christian Club Coffee House" I said Good Morning to a stranger - a woman about 60 years old. She asked me where the bus stop was to go to Warsaw. I said "It would be heading down that way" and pointed East. She said she'd been walking around since 5am because her friends told her she had to get out and her ride had already left. God kept poking me. I asked where she lived. She told me. It wasn't far. I offered her a ride (trying to squelch all the fears and anxieties about riding strangers in your car). She said she didn't have money to pay me. I told her it was God's car and she didn't need to pay me. She did a double take. We headed to my house and she said she had been around the block 3 times and was about to give up. She said God must have sent me to her. I think God sent her to me. On the way home she asked if I went to church. I said I did and ask...

Hooha about Golden Compass

There's a lot of talk going on about the new film The Golden Compass. I read the entire trilogy a few years back not realizing what the author's intentions were until the end. Philip Pullman is indeed and atheist. He is also an excellent writer. He also, IMHO, probably did more to encourage belief in God than convince people that atheism is the way to go. The series is very interesting and pretty much keeps you into it from start to finish. Once I realized what he was communicating I was disappointed after having stuck with the series all the way through. I thought perhaps these characters would find some resolve. The way the last book ends is very sad and leaves you feeling kind of empty and hopeless. I thought "Man. I'm glad I don't live in this world that this guy has created." I would think most people will walk away thinking life is better with at least the hope of God than to live like the protagonists end up living - separate, alone and longing. And if...

My life as a mute

My life as a mute Ok, so all last year we had no health insurance and God was sooo faithful. He protected us fully and we had not a sniffle. It was amazing to be under that kind of protection! It's so cool to have my Father be the Creator and ruler of the universe! Now that I have my job back with benefits I think our extra provision has been lifted since we're OK to face life's bumps and bruises once again. :) Dennis has injured his ankle twice and I was hit with a nasty virus last week. Sore throat, cough, and laryngitis. The doc told me I was not allowed to talk until the laryngitis passed to protect my vocal folds from getting nodules...So I was mute for 3 days! I didn't say a single word from 1:30pm Friday til Monday! It was definitely a challenge! I used a lot of sign language and this little dry erase borard I acquired while working at University Hospital. Far be it from God...