Regarding animals
At a prayer training once we did an exercise in hearing from God in which we asked God a question and then wrote down - without editing - what we received. It took prayer, shutting off my head and listening for His voice to get the response. But I did write everything that I believed was Him. Obviously all of it needs to be squared with with scripture before it can be attributed to the Holy Spirit and not our own heads (or even worse!). And that is the step after this one. This was what I asked and the unedited response:
Q - Why do we have to kill your creatures and eat them? Why do some animals have to do the same?
A - I made all creatures. They are all mine. I do not ask everyone to eat of them. Your prayers of mercy over those that suffer and die at the hands of mass graves are heard. I tend to each one of my flock, I know that they hurt. All my children and animals hurt. It is not my way and will be restored at the time of my coming. The animals are special to you and that is one of your gifts. I plainly set that upon your heart for reasons known to me to be known to you in the future. Continue your path with them, continue your prayers for them, they are heard. Your solutions can't work but your prayers can. Many things will one day make sense. Be yourself. Eat of my trees and my vines. Make everyday count. Eat only what you need of flesh and eat mostly of the fruit of life - I will sustain you. You are precious to me. Your heart is not wrong. Be faithful.
Nothing in here that I can tell is not Scriptural. Referring to animals as part of "his flock" might be a stretch since that analogy in scripture is exclusively used to refer to PEOPLE who choose to follow Christ. Animals are not required to make a choice because they are not sinful creatures. In fact God uses animals to show us how to be worshipful and how to live as creatures created by God (see Job 12:7, Luke 12:24). Still, all the creatures of the earth have been included in the covenant that God has made with us (Genesis 9:10-11). And we are instructed to share the Good News with ALL creation.
Q - Why do we have to kill your creatures and eat them? Why do some animals have to do the same?
A - I made all creatures. They are all mine. I do not ask everyone to eat of them. Your prayers of mercy over those that suffer and die at the hands of mass graves are heard. I tend to each one of my flock, I know that they hurt. All my children and animals hurt. It is not my way and will be restored at the time of my coming. The animals are special to you and that is one of your gifts. I plainly set that upon your heart for reasons known to me to be known to you in the future. Continue your path with them, continue your prayers for them, they are heard. Your solutions can't work but your prayers can. Many things will one day make sense. Be yourself. Eat of my trees and my vines. Make everyday count. Eat only what you need of flesh and eat mostly of the fruit of life - I will sustain you. You are precious to me. Your heart is not wrong. Be faithful.
Nothing in here that I can tell is not Scriptural. Referring to animals as part of "his flock" might be a stretch since that analogy in scripture is exclusively used to refer to PEOPLE who choose to follow Christ. Animals are not required to make a choice because they are not sinful creatures. In fact God uses animals to show us how to be worshipful and how to live as creatures created by God (see Job 12:7, Luke 12:24). Still, all the creatures of the earth have been included in the covenant that God has made with us (Genesis 9:10-11). And we are instructed to share the Good News with ALL creation.