Today only...

the addictions training class that we went through for the Growth and Healing ministry we are launching at VWS was a great experience. Linda had us work through some of the steps to give is a taste of what recovering addicts go through on their healing journies. Reading through the AA "Big Book" and working through first 4 steps revealed to me that Gerald Mann was right when he said "Alcoholics Anonymous" is the Gospel in Drag. It totally is...The precepts and principals are identical to Jesus' teachings on right living...Putting God and others first, giving God our junk, serving others, and living one day at a time...It's all there. It also taught me that I was on the right track when I was a teetotaler between the ages 15 and 33...Not that I believe drinking is bad, but because when I look at the traits and family history of the typical alcoholic, I see a lot of similarities in myself. In a lot of ways, before I became healthier and stable with meds, I manifested traits common to active alcoholics or "dry drunks" (people who quit drinking but have not taken the steps necessary to improve their relationship with God and become helathy). So, while I recently began allowing myself to have a glass of wine or shot of jager, I have decided to go back to my teetotaler days. Frankly it's just not worth finding out if I am right or wrong in my assessment here. Ya know what I mean? :)

I am looking forward to being part of the development of the Growth and Healing ministry! It will be an exciting journey! God rocks!


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