Friday Eve

Today's Psalm - 39 which begins:

I said, "I will watch my ways
and keep my tongue from sin;
I will put a muzzle on my mouth
as long as the wicked are in my presence."

Timely and appropriate for some recent interpersonal dealings. I am starting each day with a Psalm. I read it outloud to the fuzzies. It's good bonding time and a good way to get my head in gear for the adventures of the day.

Last night's Alpha was neat. It was about why Jesus died. Lee played excerpts from The Passion. And then he gave a scripture and pointed out a verse which added to my continuing clarification of just what the cross is really about. He quoted Hebrews 12:2...

2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

As soon as he read it, tears came to my eyes because I internalized what it is saying...The "joy set before him"...What got Jesus through to the end of all of His suffering was ME...Knowing that to endure would mean the joy of securing my freedom and reconciliation with God...Having me walk with Him is a joy worth suffering and dying for. That is how much He loves each and every person. As Tim taught - There isn't a person I lock eyes with that Jesus didn't die for. His death and resurrection also ended the sacrificial system in general. No more lambs and birds and goats need die for the wrongs of people. It was the beginning of the end so to speak. Now we live in the in between time where God needs all of His children who are willing to help find and bring lost kids home to him....So that when it's time to restore things to how He intended, He'd have all of us with Him to bask in His glory, enjoy His company and all that He created for us. 35 years knowing God loves me and that Jesus was the way, but just now truly understanding what it's all about.

Talk about a big Dan "Wow"!!



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