
Showing posts from August, 2006

Bubbles, everyone, BUBBLES!

This one gets a big Dan "WOW"... Journey with me to the interview I had today! It was with a Preschool which shall remain nameless for its own protection and all names have been changed. :) This lovely Thursday morning, I travelled over the river to the corporate office of the Preschool That Must Not Be Named (Heretofore known as "PTMNBN"). Upon entering, I observe a girl - I am assuming the receptionist - sitting at her desk...but on the floor next to her big comfy desk chair. She is talking on the phone. She is discussing the crap someone keeps pulling, how tired she is of it and what she is going to do to prevent it in the future. She barely acknowledges me. I stand there for a couple of minutes and then another lady comes out of an office behind the front desk. She is quite friendly and introduces herself as Donna. She takes me into her office, confirms my name and asks me to have a seat. "How much time do you have today?" She asks. "I...

Brick wall - bang head.

Well, it looks like my days of hoping I will get called back to the county have ended. Kathy replied to my inquiry and said that their need for a TA anywhere in the program is looking very slim. So now I must step up my job search. I have been less aggressive in the hopes that my county job would come back for me. It looks like that won't happen this year. :( Maybe my teaching days are over. sigh. What a dream job that was...I wish I hadn't had to get dragged through Covington and grad school to learn that. I'd still be employed because I'd have had my continuing contract at 4 years. Let this be a lesson to all about PRIDE. If you have a job you enjoy with people you like but you think you're too smart to be labeled a "paraprofessional" or think that people don't think as highly of you because of that or envy other people having a real "career", tell your pride and envy to take a hike and do what you enjoy. This has been a harsh lesson for me...
It seems I move more places with my journal on the internet than I do places to live. Oh well...That's the beauty of the internet. You can move around when in real life you feel a little stuck. Which I do feel. I want to do many things but I am fearful and unsure. My typical lot. Scripture says perfect love drives out fear...What exactly does that mean, though? I struggle with this almost daily. I have grown some but fear remains the thorn that keeps me in one place. Like Peter struggled with loyalty and fear, and Thomas struggled with believing without seeing. I know in my head that God loves me and will not forsake me. I am His "Talitha" through Christ. I know this. I don't know how to LIVE it. One day I pray my whole being will wallow lavishly in this truth. Not so I can do whatever I want, but so that I can really know freedom from my own head. And maybe somehow be able to communicate how to live it out. Probably I have too much time on my hands right now. I need ...

Long lost friend

I have been thinking of my old friend Ron for weeks now...And I have found him...On Hamilton County's website for current prison inmates...What a sad discovery. Last night I was looking up the photos of the 2 people they caught who broke into our neighbors house. While I was glancing through some of the other names out of curiosity, Ron's name came to mind but I didn't look him up. Who would think to look for a friend in prison? But today as Denny and I were perusing the inmate list "for fun", I saw his name and gasped. I brought up the inmate's picture and it was indeed my old friend Ron. It appears that he us in for theft and forgery. But he has a record of about 10 other incidents mostly for the same things. Funny that God has been impressing on me a desire to do some sort of prison outreach. Now I have a starting place. I am going to send Ron a note. I want him to know that I still think about him and remember him as mine and Allen's "son" (l...