Getting at the roots of the school shooting problem...
There has been an overload of debate posts since the Parkland Florida school shooting. This happens everytime. It's a vicious circle. I try not to get too involved unless I think it's a group of people who can talk without devolving into mudslinging. Because, that's helpful! Here is my ramble about the current state of affairs. I support the 2nd Amendment. I like to go target shooting. I don't own a gun, so this has nothing to do with 'mah guns'. If I thought stricter gun laws would truly help, I'd support reasonable reform despite my political views on that subject. We all have to be willing to step down from our respective high horses and talk about real solutio ns instead of just playing the same old talking points volley ball game. The thing is that the root of the problem is complex and we didn't get here over night. No single solution is going to impact the issue overnight. So, let's offer our practical solution ideas from our resp...