Speakeasy Review: Unchurching by Richard Jacobson
If you have been reading anything on this blog you know that I am something of a 'Churchianity' renegade, so I had to review this title when it came up. If like me, you are a bit burned out on all of the hoops and tail-chasing that seems to come with most church-going, if you think there has to be something else, this book will be a good one for you. Richard Jacobson gives a compelling argument for retiring from brick and mortar supporting, program-based churching as we know it here in the States. He clearly lays out a Biblical foundation for what the early new covenant church looked like and how the church culture practiced today is based on Old Covenant law and practices. He successfully argues that these practices were never intended for the Christian community this side of the cross. Today there is supposed to be a 'priesthood of all believers' rather than one priest that everyone gathers around for instruction. We're intended to teach and serve one anothe...