Arma-God! Armageddon! Or is it?

I have long taken issue with the 'Left-Behind' version of the 'end times'. I think, among other things, that it 'empowers a dis-empowered devil' (as Kris Vallaton has so aptly stated). I don't have an interest in hashing out in this post all the issues I have with many end-time preachers, apocalypse prognosticators and modern-day 'prophets' who preach gloom and doom. I have not had a recent interest in carrying on intense theological battles with anyone. Life is too short and Grace is too wonderful to get lost in all that. Still, I have had a great interest in finding a good resource that thoroughly explains the eschatological (end-times) view that most, if not all, of the biblical prophecies related to the 'end of the world' came to pass exactly as the bible said they would and exactly when Jesus, Paul and other biblical writers said they would: before the generation of Jesus' time had passed. And they came to pass with the destructi...