Speakeasy Review: 'Cosmos Reborn' by John Crowder

Maybe it has something to do with the name, but just as David Crowder makes my heart smile with his music, so does John Crowder (no relation that I know of) with his book, 'Cosmos Reborn - Happy Theology on the New Creation'. One of the biggest draws for me is that Crowder comes from a charismatic perspective. It is not so easy to find fellow charismatics who share my more progressive take on theology and the Bible. I knew I would enjoy this read by the end of the author's notes, page 12. "If your current system of belief does not put a smile on your face, you may be in store for a much-needed dose of divine Prozac...By the end of it all, I hope to have you retired from your religious self-efforts...resting and relaxing in the reality of your divine sonship - and all the while bearing more fruit. Kick back and enjoy the sweet, healing balm of the Gospel as we dismantle a few dry, depressed belief systems that may have unwittingly made you a boring person." ...