
Showing posts from October, 2013

MOOCs, Center and Life Ring

I am taking a class called a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) through a website called Coursera . Coursera MOOCs are taught by major universities in the United States and abroad - and they are FREE! If you enjoy learning I recommend checking out what they have to offer. The subject areas range from arts to history to engineering and trigonometry. Really, go check it out. It's a treasure trove for learning addicts like me. So, anyway, the class is called 'Creativity, Innovation and Change' which is taught by faculty from Penn State University. Its focus is to help you discover your creative style (everyone is creative - creativity is not limited to the arts and humanities!) and offers strategies for beginning and following through with innovative ideas. One of my favorite exercises was Life Ring. It is explained in detail in the book 'Center - A system of 6 practices for pursuing your passions and purpose in self, family, work and community'  - you can get this bo...