Jesus and Guns?
This is a conversation that came up on Facebook... The question: So, we are called to live like Christ. How would Christ handle personal and home protection in today's society?? Sure maybe he'd give all his stuff or not even have stuff to start with. What if someone came at him with the intent to harm? Would he act the same as he did in the Garden of Gethsemane and just let his attackers do what they will? If yes, does that mean, as Christ followers, we are called to NOT arm and protect ourselves, but let an attack happen? My response. These are things I have been wrestling with for a couple of years now. This is where I am personally on it (this does not mean that I judge anyone who is in a different place). Christ taught a radically different way to deal with enemies. He taught that we should love, serve and do good to those who would hurt or persecute us. An eye for an eye seems fair. But Jesus specifically said 'you have heard it said 'an eye f...