Freedom from a codependent God. I was meditating today on a reality, which is a mind-bender for me. God's identity and feelings are not dependent on my behavior. A reactive God whose emotions are tied to the behavior of man is a God of human construct. This idea led into some really deep thoughts...and some humbling things... God is not codependent. God is complete on his own and does not need my perfection to make him happy or fulfilled. Following the way that God leads is for my benefit and/or the benefit of others/the earth. God is completely secure no matter how badly I screw up. I don't need to worry that my mistakes disappoint Papa so much that he is driven to drink. He is not taken by surprise or shocked by what I do. Those feelings are my own - they are useful in helping me realize where I have gone wrong, but they are not a reflection of God's feelings. They come from the limited perspective I have as a human....