
Showing posts from September, 2012

Holy Terror! Part 1

I have been invited to do book reviews for the Speakeasy blogging network. It's a pretty cool dealio so I accepted the invite... Yeah - this first one is kind of an explosive topic, but I guess that's just the way I roll (wait'll ya see the book that's on deck!)...I seem to find that I mix and mingle with and love people from diverse viewpoints. I have a penchant for trying to find common ground without compromising my own convictions. For this topic I will state up front that I am politically independent with libertarian leanings. I support the rights of gay couples to join together in a legally binding committed relationship. I also support each church's right to choose whether or not to perform religious ceremonies for homosexual couples. I believe we all should be free to disagree and engage in healthy debate, but I don't care for bullying from either side of any issue or using the political system to override individual and religious liberties (for any ...