
Showing posts from July, 2011

Rockin' Northern Ohio

    Come along with us on our vacation! This is Rocky, our tour guide. He reminded us that it was acceptable to follow off-route squirrels on our trip. We didn't find any official squirrels along our first leg of the journey, but there was this cute little doughnut shop next to Speedway where we stopped for snacks. Our room at Maumee Bay State Park Lodge (near Toledo) had a lovely lakefront view. These photos were taken from a quaint little bench beneath a weeping willow tree just in front of our balcony.  The Lodge was beautiful - You can see an exterior shot of the lodge  here.   We were greeted in our room by this cute, snuggly frog. We thought he was a nice little extra...He came with a card that explained why Toledo is known as 'Frogtown'. He was ours to enjoy and even take home! (and a $12.99 fee would conveniently be added to our bill upon checkout). ..Oh, well. We left him for the next guests to enj...

Colleen's Kind of Town

While dropping off food at a local food pantry yesterday, Colleen Zuber's car was opened and her phone and $300 cash was stolen. She had just taken money out of the bank for a trip to Chicago. If you know the Zuber's at all, you know that they are some of the most selfless individuals ever. They give and love and give and love. It's now time to love on them! Thanks!

Jesus - the bridge?

” ‘Jesus i s the Messiah…Sinless, supernaturally conceived through a virgin named Mary by the spirit of God, was taken up to be close to God and will be the judge of the world. He is the Word of God, He is the Word of Truth…He heals the sick and the blind, He can even raise the dead….’ Every word I just spoke is written in the Qur’an.” (From the book  A Deadly Misunderstanding  by Mark D. Siljander)  Could it be that Christians and Muslims have more in common than we ever thought? Even if the two faiths never agree on everything, is there room for finding what they do so that there can be an end to the criticisms and suspicions they carry of one another? 

Jury Pool - come on in! The water's fine!

It wouldn't have been my first pick for things to do with my summer break, but duty called. America may be flawed (what country isn't??) but I would not want to live anywhere else, so I don't mind being summoned to serve my time in the courts of the US. I was apprehensive about the way it would go. It seemed big and scary (and darn it, I don't want to get up early in the summer!). Now that I am on day two, I am finding that as long as ya have enough stuff to do, it's not a bad gig. At least so far...And BONUS - my friend and sister in Christ, Theresa also has jury duty!! I figured I would chronicle my time for memory's sake and in case any of the thousands of readers of my blog (ha!) ever wondered what it was like. Sorry, I can't give any details of cases that I may hear, but I can share about my experiences in the pool! Day 1 - Monday 8:00am - I hate driving and parking downtown! But I was able to find a lot next door for $7. I decided against my...

Going on an Erie Vacation!

We will soon be headed here :        It’s called Maumee Bay . It’s near Toledo. It’s pretty, huh? Who knew that our very own state had such an idyllic place.  We will be staying here:            This is Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center . Jim and Doug had a gig here a few months ago. At the time it was frozen over in the snows of our harsh winter. But it wasn’t hard to see that it would be gorgeous in the summer. So we are going back! Two nights here. Then we’re off to Cleveland…       To see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ! I have never been here but Jim has. He says I will love it. I think I will too…I’m a Rock and Roll geek. Will there be lots of 80s Rockers? Don’t tell me…I wanna be surprised! For the improv comedians that reside in both of our souls, we will be engaging our skills at this place:                 ...