
Showing posts from October, 2009

Politics of fear....

Watchful, yes...But I refuse to worry...The enemy wants nothing more than for the people of God to be in a state of fear over politics or any other pattern of this world. We are dual citizens RIGHT NOW of Earth (where we have been given reign) and Heaven where we are welcome at all times in the spiritual realm. Papa's storehouses of hope, wisdom, grace and most importantly Agape love are free for the taking to fill up on and pour out. Go get it, brothers and sisters and experience the change in perspective from up there!

Don't let the world step on your soul....

Jesus says to come to Him like children...The basic sentiment of this song speaks to that innocent quality and genuine faith that I so often see in the kids I work with and that sometimes rises up in me only to get quickly dashed by 'reality'... Don't Let the World Step on Your Soul (Todd Schroeder, Ron Miller) My God, how new you are Still untouched by time You're breathing every dream Hang on to who you are Create your own design 'Cause dreamers must run to extremes Hey, little one, I can tell your an easy believer And you cry at the sunset While the rest of the tribe calls you fool Your mind will eat humble pie While your hungry heart chokes on the rules But, baby, don't let the world step on your soul. Hey, little one, I can tell you're a new generation in the scheme of creation 'Cause you care about people and pain While all the wheelers and dealers And the prime-timers call you insane But, baby don't let the world step...

Not a leader....

I'm seriously not. These are my strengths: Input Communication Harmony Intellection WOO Note that LEADER is not in there anywhere...Nor do I think it would pop up anywhere in the next 3 of my top strengths. But I think that because I am an extrovert and generally not afraid of being up in front of people I am mistaken for a leader. I have mistaken me for one and usually end up over my head and completely ill-equipped to do whatever it is that leaders do...I'm not saying this as a self-slam....Only a self-realization. I seem to always want to lead something...I come up with ideas and visions, etc. And then get overwhelmed by all that is entailed in making that happen and all of that stuff goes way above and beyond any of my gifting. Now, I can lead circle time at school, I can lead a scene in improv, I can sing lead for a band, I can lead a Sozo session. But I'm not convinced that kind of leading is the same as true leadership. That's just strong teaching/act...

Bucket list revisted

Morphing happens to one's goal/dream list as life catapults its way toward one's destiny (mine is Heaven, guaranteed!). Was thinking about mine recently and realized I have met some of them and am getting closer to others and have added some things and removed some things. In no particular order (crossed out = YAY!) 1. Visit Australia 2. Visit St. Croix 3. Teach Sozo 4. Have one week without worry (removed - need a lobotomy first) 5. Grow to a point of complete trust in my salvation 6. Meet a man I can love and TRUST 7. Cut a CD 8. Sing on the VWS Praise Team (removed) 9. Go horseback riding again 10. Knit something ridiculously cool 11. Visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah 12. Meet the remaining favorite celebs that I have on my list. 13. See certain loved ones get set free and/or find Christ 14. Sing with David Phelps (even if it's just "Happy Birthday"!). 15. Spend time with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit everyday and cu...
It's like I have fought my way through a party full of loud people to finally push through a door to reach a place of quiet. I wouldn't trade attending the party, but it's sure nice to be where I am. I think of the lyrics to the song "Home" from The Wiz . I 'get' Dorothy and her journey in a way that I never have before... Suddenly my world has changed its face But I still know where I'm going I have had my mind spun around in space And yet I've watched it growing If you're list'ning God Please don't make it hard to know If we should believe the things that we see Tell us, should we run away Should we try and stay Or would it be better just to let things be? Living here, in this brand new world Might be a fantasy But it taught me to love So it's real, real to me And I've learned That we must look inside our hearts To find a world full of love Like yours Like mine Like home...

Heart Vs. Wisdom

If following my heart makes me a fool, then I'm a fool. Because my heart led me to seek Jesus. My heart tells me to love the unlovable and my heart tells me to risk the pain to find something deeper. Wisdom as it is so often understood has failed me more than my heart and has often imprisoned me in a cage if fear. Perhaps the wise thing is to let the heart and wisdom be intertwined, for God created both and placed them inside of us on purpose. Do they have to be enemies?

More tangenting...

Was writing a note to a good friend tonight and ended up rambling some thoughts that seemed like they might make a good blog...So since it has been a while...Here they are...Probably just the same stuff I always say with different words...What can I say? I'm a simple person... :) I'm done with subscribing to any one kind of expression of faith in Jesus...Every move of God ever has been quickly tied down into religion. Even in the subtlest of forms. Something cool happens and it gets bottled, given a name, touted as the missing piece to perfect worship and doing of God stuff, anything prior is pashawed as inferior. I do it, I see every church/movement/denomonation I have ever seen do it....Everyone thinks their way is the best...And maybe I am learning that Jesus loves ALL of it. That he shows up where He is invited by a sincere heart. There doesn't have to be factions and division. It's pride (and I am guilty of it) that kills the heart of love. And I'm sick to de...