I just wanted a simple trade...An average, everyday happening in the world of retail. Not completely satisfied with my choice of the Sony Ericsson W350 I had chosen for my AT & T upgrade, I decided to take advantage of the 30-day return policy and get the perty little LG Shine that I had seen at Best Buy. On Sunday Steve went with me to the AT & T store to see about returning the phone - in case he needed to be passive aggressive with them on my behalf. (OK, Steve isn't really passive aggressive but there's a funny story about that - ask him sometime). The ATT dude said a return would not be a problem. They had the Shines live and on display so Steve and I took it for a test drive. I really liked it. All I needed to do was go home and get the fixins that came with the Sony, return it to ATT then jaunt a mile or so down the street to Best Buy to get a Shine. YAY! Now, is anything REAALLLYY ever that easy?? Of course not!! Here is a bullet-point summary of the next coup...