Dreaming with God...
I don't, as a rule, make new year's resolutions. But I think a list of Dreams (big and small) is never a bad thing...My friend Lori has one that she keeps. And I have gotten to see her cross things off of it. That is really cool. This dude, John Goddard has a list of 127 of them that he began in 1941. I have some goals. But I never really wrote them down...The message at church tonight was a challenge to dream BIG and small with God. So here goes...In no particular order (save for #1). To keep it simple, I will write down just the things I'd like to accomplish in 2009. 1 - Produce Sleeping with the Past utilizing an eclectic group of talented people. 2 - Finish one knitting project. 3 - Learn how to repel. 4 - Ride the Zip Line - and survive! 5 - Be a part of a radical, obvious and undeniable miracle of God. You know, a cancer healing, dead raising, early New testament church kind of thing! 6 - Walk the Flying Pig half marathon with a bunch of awesome friends. 7 - Dye my ...