
Showing posts from January, 2008

Quote of the year!

"Are you willing to let Jesus use your ass? " -Lee Jones Lee's bold question comes from this passage in the Bible: Matthew 21:2-3 . ..then sent Jesus two disciples, Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. The owner of this ass was willing - no questions asked...Am I???


This isn't B.S.: The band Five for Fighting is generously donating $0.40 to Autism Speaks for *each time* the linked video is viewed. The funding goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass it along to your friends and family. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them to surpass this goal. View the video here: CLAUDIA'S STORY Here is info from Wikipedia about Five For Fighting: Philanthropy In the spring of 2007, Ondrasik created the first video charity website ([1]). The website allows fans to upload videos answering the central question, "What Kind of World do You Want?" from his hit song,"World". Each time a fan-made video is viewed, up to .49 cents goes to a selected charity. The charities are: Augie's Quest ( Autism Speaks ( Fisher House Foundation ( Save the Children (www.savethechi...

Never tick off taxidermists!

In September I posted the following on YouTube. It's simply the retelling of an experience I had at a taxidermy-themed restaurant while I was in Pennsylvania. I received more comments on this vlog than any other I have posted. And most of it was hateful and nasty...Someone called me an f-ing nutcase (the nutcase part I took as a compliment!) and another called me a stupid c--t. Go figure! I finally just posted another vlog clarifying that no offense was intended to anyone who fancies taxidermy...Jimminy Christmas!

Cable knit sweater...

It kinda started like that...You know, you see a thread loose on your sweater so you pull it and it starts to unravel...And you just keep pulling on it - somehow fascinated by the back and forth pattern of the undoing. The paneling in the kitchen had started to pull away from the wall, see. Each time I walked by I'd kind of tug on it and think "hmmm...that would be so easy to just pull off of there. I wonder what it looks like under there?" For about a week I have been tugging at that corner...How hard would it be?? Today is Martin Luther King day. A day to remind us of his work toward liberating America from racial injustice. In remembrance, I deemed today as liberate my house day. I began with a Fly Lady Fling Boogie (say WHAT? ). I Free cycled my old stereo and speakers and some junk from the bathroom pantry. Then I scrubbed the floor in the dining room with vinegar and water to get up the places where Bentley missed the papers or totally ignored them. Then I moved ...

The Call - a day with God's people....

A group of folks from VWS pilgrimaged to US Bank Arena on Saturday for a much anticipated day of intense prayer and fasting. I wasn't sure what to expect - I hoped that it would be an awesome day to join in corporate prayer for the nation and any and all other things that the Lord placed upon our hearts. It largely delivered but a friend described the experience quite well. He said. "I had my ups and downs with it". I'll get the downs out of the way: It started out on such a high intensity level that I felt overwhelmed and off kilter at the start. I wasn't even sure I wanted to stay after 5 minutes. The Call's founder, Lou Engle is a passionate man of God...And when he gets started he quickly escalates into street corner preacher-mode. I had to put tissue in my ears! We were all invited to become radical "nazirites" who embraced the disciplines of prayer and fasting as a lifestyle. I'm all about those disciplines and I practice them but I'm n...

A face to the miracle!

This is Nick Drake. He is at home recovering from his injuries. Thanks again to everyone who prayed for him! Helen

I'm a sinner!

This was what I was doing this morning instead of getting up for church! I was up til 2am writing and when the alarm went off I was not going anywhere! I will have to ask the powers that be where the confessional is located at the theatre so I can learn my penance! Sitting in sackcloth and ashes... Helen :)
Sir Charles McWhiskers Who made the best looking cage decor out of Chipotle Napkins. Goodnight my little fuzzy...I'll see you again.... :(

God Rocks!

NICK IS AWAKE! Thanks all for prayers! From Kim: Thanks for all your prayers. Nick is awake and going to be okay. The temp is still at 99 but I got a phone call last night someone wanted to talk to me and it was Nick! God is awesome and i am so happy that all the prayers worked. He is going to be in the hospital through Sunday but they are moving him out of ICU later today. He does not remember the last 2 weeks but that is a small sacrifice to to make for having my brother back. Thanks for Everything! Kim

Finally - The truth about Mary Magdalene

I have a pet peeve when it comes to Mary Magdalene. She is one of my Bible heroes. I can relate to her because Jesus healed her from torment, I love that she was Jesus' financial backer, I love that a woman in those times asked where Jesus body was so she could go and get him. I love that she represents the women who, instead of fleeing in fear like the disciples did, stayed by Jesus' side and faithfully went about the work of caring for his body after burial. Of course, she never did that task because before she got to the tomb she met the resurrected Jesus and He entrusted her to go and tell the disciples that He was alive. She's just one cool chick. I am peeved by the misrepresentations of her that have come down through the ages. Our modern churches and films about the life of Jesus still represent her as any one of the following: a prostitute, the adulteress woman who was almost stoned or the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive oil (that was Mary of Bethany). All...

Beck and Huckabee

T his is a really interesting read. It's a transcript from the Glenn Beck radio show. He had a conversation with Mike Huckabee at an airport. Huckabee is a popular presidential candidate among Christians...I even read today a blog entry from Lou Engle who is a huge part of The Call Fasting and Prayer movement. He believes Huckabee might be the candidate that has been prophesied about to be the candidate God is appointing to next lead the USA. I have my own reservations about grand prophecy but Engle did mention some pretty interesting things . Anyway - this gives another perspective...And I find it interiguing to note that it is Beck the Mormon who seems to understand the essence of following Christ more so than Huckabee who apprently made a statement that Mormons aren't Christians - or Christian enough. Maybe another example of how God is present in people...not religions??? GLENN BECK PROGRAM BEGIN TRANSCRIPT GLENN: So when I found out that Mike Huckabee was com...

Nick Update 2

I love how God can so easily be put on display in this situation. Let's keep praying that He will show off!! H. Nick Update: 12:15 Fever down to 100 Doctor says he has no idea how he made it through the night. (uhh - we know!) They are going to see if the fever drops any lower and then turn of the machnes and see how he responds. When they put him on the machine the drug induced coma was stopped so when he comes off it is up to (God) and him wake up also to see if the fever caused any further damage. I told the doctor I know why the fever is dropping it is because of my friends praying and God has a plan. and he said very politely that was a nice thought but not medically sound. KEEP PRAYING! Kimmie

Cool things and screw ups

Top 3 cool things in 2007: 1 -God blessed us with the best little senior dog with a heart condition who is now a therapy dog. 2 - Freedom ensued when I put down my idols. 3 - I got to use my writing and theatre experience for God's glory. Top 3 things I screwed up in 2007: 1 - Did not always listen to God when He was navigating. Shipwreck anyone? 2 - Did not read enough scripture on a regular basis. I tend to crisis study. 3 - Did not work consistently enough on a long term project. Will rectify that this year. 2008 is going to be a year of all things new...That theme has been popping up everywhere from personal prayer time to messages at church to random things I hear or read. I'm strapping in for the ride!

Update on Nick

From Kim: Hi everyone: I texted some of you and called some but just to bring you up to date. at 4:30 fever was at 104 and rising and they worried about organ failure and wanted me to consider life support At 9:30 fever spiked to 105 and they put him on life support as a precaution to prevent organ failure. They gave him a 20 percent chance he would make it through the night 11:15 fever still @ 105 and doctor wants me to cosider when to take him opff life support if fever does not come down. He has a DNR (Do not Resuctate) in his living will which means my brother does not want any cpr or life svaing measures done if he is dying. So when we turn off the machiene we just let nature takes it's course. i have to make the decison by Wednesday if fever does not drop. 2:15am Fever dropped 1 degreee to 104. Praying is working....please please don't stop.